The pulls of life can be strong especially when everything comes at us at once.
Moms of littles have diapers, bottles, dishes, laundry, dinner to prepare, homework, ball, dance and church activities in between Sundays.
Middle aged has work, household chores and aging parents.
And Singles of all kinds, well let’s just say my hat is off to you as you seem to carry it all.
But when there are only so many hours in a day where do we turn? And what if it seems there is no where to turn?
Recently my husband had an accident leaving him impaired for a number of weeks. This came at a time one of our parents was in great need, help at work was shorthanded and I was our only driver. Although we were blessed that part of our season was temporary, I still felt the walls closing in having to take up slack in so many areas.
How was I to be still before the Lord?
How was I to be in two places at once?
How was I suppose to make so many decisions? And will I make the right ones?
I wish I could say I always ran to a Jesus but if I’m honest I sometimes turn to others to complain, food to comfort or I just tend to walk in despair.
Sometimes seasons are just to hard and we need help.
Jesus reminded me that no matter what takes place in life He’s still here and still in control. He sees and He walks with us in each season.
And nothing catches Him off guard ❤️
We run to Him so that He can remind us that
He holds our hand….
He lights our path …..
He gives us rest ….
He still does all the healing and restoration….
He is never caught by surprise….
His ways are not our ways ….
His timing is always perfect….
He is our way out and He is always faithful.
“No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 NET