Sin can make an impact on many generations to come. Have you ever made the statement “I can’t help it- insert that sin or old habit- I’m just like my mom, dad, or grandparents?” Or “it just runs in my family” but you are ashamed of the behavior. It’s the kind of behavior that leaves us stuck in a place of sin or bad habits and not knowing how to change. Even worse we are passing along unwanted behaviors to our children. It could be anger, addiction, critical spirit, anxiety, abuse, lying, negative self-image or smoking
These are just a few sins and bad habits that we can pass down to the next generation. But here is a promise for you … God loves you too much to leave you there. All throughout the Bible God gives us promises that He wants to make us new. A new mind. A new heart. A new life. A new path. A new song in our hearts. “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 NLT
God sent his son Jesus to give us new life and the power to break sin. We no longer have to hold onto our past sins or the sins of our previous generations. “I will give you all the proof you want that Christ speaks through me. Christ is not weak when he deals with you; he is powerful among you.” 2 Corinthians 13:3 NLT
It might not have started with you but it can end with you. Recognize it: It starts by recognizing the bad habit or sin and writing it down somewhere you can see it. Pray over it. Release it: Then hand it over to God. Live with your hands wide open. Never hold on to something so tight that it becomes a part of you. Renew it: Ask God to give you something new to replace that habit or sin. God did not create you for this. Do not let your bad habit or sin define you. Sin is not your identity.
Your real identity is who God says you are.