Each morning as I sit in my special place to meet with Jesus I hoped to find something new in Him. Im bundled up with a soft blanket, coffee in hand, feet tucked behind me in my wicker chair. Listening to the sights and sounds of His creation is soothing…
Hidden pride
What does it look like for God to take our sin and brokenness and turn it into good for His glory? For years I have been weighed down with guilt and shame from past events in my life. Although, I have known that my sins are covered by Jesus’ blood…
If only there was a switch to turn off our pain.
John 12:35-36 Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darknes cannot see where they are going. Put your trust in the light while there is still…
God wants to restore the dark places of our heart.
The heart is an amazing organ. It’s so small but plays such a big part in our bodies. No matter how small or big our stature is, it still remains the size of a fist. It gives life to our entire body. When a part of the heart stops functioning…
Don’t rush it!
Life always seem to be at full speed. There are never dull moments for a mom of three kids two of which are still teenagers and the oldest two in college. Sometimes I wished for a support group called “mothers of three” after all we are an odd number. You…
Fear of inconvenience
There are so many things in life that hold us back from knowing God on a deeper level. For me? It’s fear. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of rejection. But the one fear that cripples me the most? The fear of not allowing Him to use me for…
Princess of the world or daughter of THE King
Her beautiful red ringlets bounced around so that you couldn’t tell which end was coming from the top her head. Little pink tutus that hung to her knees with stains dribbled down the front because we were not allowed to remove it long enough to be washed. Silky brown hair…
Really God?
There have been days in my past the weight of pain, doubt, unbelief, lies, fear, aniexty, depression weighted over. Some days it was as if someone had placed a wet blanket up against my face and I couldn’t catch my breath. So many times I would God ask why? I…
Sharing my ❤️ to Freedom
Blogging is a way for me to share with others how God has worked in my life. My prayer is you will be set free. Free from lies. Free from shame. Free from guilt. Free from doubt. Free from fear. Free from anything that keeps you from knowing the real…
This is a Quote post format
Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.